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Alcohol and Family

Alcohol and Family

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Between alcohol and family, sometimes it seems impossible for the situation to change. That person changes. That surrenders and be humble. That may he be able to treat us differently. That your habits change. That you actually do it, instead of just promising.

However, if you don’t try, you’ll never know.

1. Alcohol and the Family

The consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause addiction and other disturbances due to excessive and irregular use, negatively affecting the family and those close to them. It is a great promoter of domestic violence, separation of couples, interpersonal conflicts, child and parental neglect, in addition to financial and legal difficulties. Furthermore, disagreements, lack of credibility and mistrust are feelings aroused in people who have already gone through the experience of having a dependent and, when there is a dependent in the family, everyone gets sick.

The person who has problems with alcohol and the family does not recognize that they are sick and dependent on this substance. The fear that the disease causes, in addition to suffering and feelings of guilt and shame, makes the whole situation hidden from the family, which makes treatment and rehabilitation of the person even more difficult.

Often, there is alcohol abuse for a long time until family members find out and dependents recognize that there is a problem. They deny that they have an illness or that the link with consumption has an impact on their daily routines.

2. My daughter is an alcoholic… what do I do?”

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You can be a wonderful mother, who does everything for the children, and yet they feel that they are missing something they are trying to complete with addiction, or that their suffering is unbearable and that their only way out seems to be to consume to stifle what they feel .

For children, it’s important to remember that no matter how much you pretend you’re okay, that you don’t need help, a parent will always know the truth, and it’s not worth hiding anymore.

For parents, it is important to point out that children need their parents’ help, although it doesn’t seem like it. They may be desperate, but proud or scared enough not to be able to recognize it.

In the problem of alcohol and the family, parental support is essential to face an addiction that comes to completely control someone’s life. However, this one has so much power that it even blinds him and, for this reason, asking for outside help is valid, legitimate and indispensable. You don’t need to be alone. However, it is not always easy to admit that there is a problem and that you cannot solve it yourself.

Giving up on the person will not contribute to their change, and living with the guilt of someone who did nothing does not seem like a viable option. However, emotional support, understanding, and sometimes just being there is more help than you think.


“Sempre fui uma mãe galinha, que cedo ficou sem o marido e com duas filhas adolescentes para criar. Não foi fácil, mas lá fui fazendo o melhor que conseguia. A mais velha, saiu de casa aos 16 anos para ir viver com o namorado. Aceitei, até porque conhecia quer o namorado, quer a família dele e só tinha boas referências. Ambos tinham desistido dos estudos, mas eram trabalhadores. Tudo corria bem e chegaram mesmo a casar. Só que a minha filha de um dia para o outro mudou de atitude e decidiu deixar o marido, dizia que estava apaixonada por outra pessoa. Aquela relação não durou mais que seis meses, mas foi o suficiente para engravidar. Ele não aceitou a situação e batia-lhe constantemente, até que minha filha teve coragem de o deixar, é claro que eu a acolhi, afinal vinha aí uma criança que não tinha culpa de nada. Só que mal sabia no que me estava a meter: a minha querida filha vinha com o vício do álcool. Bebia para esquecer os maus tratos que ele lhe dava. Mal a filha nasceu voltou a consumir. Eu estava desesperada, o que havia de fazer, é que ela nem tinha condições para cuidar da filha e eu não podia deixar de trabalhar para a auxiliar. Ela estava de tal forma descontrolada que até os perfumes bebia. Como é que a minha menina tinha chegado a esta situação? Pedi ajuda a pessoas amigas e conseguimos interná-la. No início ainda quis desistir, mas toda a equipa terapêutica foi incansável, assim como os pacientes e ela lá foi aguentando, até que percebeu que esta oportunidade tinha sido a melhor coisa que lhe podia ter acontecido, era a salvação. Hoje está sóbria há um ano e sempre muito positiva. Frequenta sessões de alcoólicos anónimos e vai aos after-care. É uma mãe trabalhadora e carinhosa.”


Different consequences at home due to alcohol and the family are possible to be seen, managing to facilitate violence, in addition to involving feelings of denial for this type of damage at home.

The family tries to hide the problems, thus reducing social interactions so that this type of damage is not noticed by people outside the family.

Even with the imminent illness, the family remains in the hope of sobriety, control and reintegration of the dependent socially and in the family.

Do you want to help yourself or a family member? Don’t wait any longer and speak now with us. We know exactly how to help you…


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