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Anger and Aggression

Anger and Aggression

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Anger is an extremely intense emotion, which can result from supreme irritation, excessive annoyance, indignation, or hostility toward a group, another person, or an adverse event.

1. Which is?

Like all emotions, anger is an indicator that alerts us to the need to act or react to a situation. It can be expressed through physical or verbal aggression, triggering a physical response, such as an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and energy hormone levels, adrenaline and norepinephrine.

It varies greatly in its intensity and triggers, and can be triggered by external and/or internal events, from getting a parking ticket to the memory of trauma or abuse. Both answers can be dealt with.

Problems associated with anger arise when it is fed, and the person is unable to express it in an adequate or controlled way. Generally, it is used to escape the subject’s inability to overcome situations that are in some way embarrassing for them. However, an individual in anger is always unhappy with everything and everyone. Instead of trying to change the order of things, it rebels and reacts: either passively, putting itself in the role of victim of circumstances in a clear attitude of self-pity (passive anger), or projecting its aggressiveness against everything that moves and don’t move in your around (active anger).

Therefore, anger and aggressiveness takes the form of words, gestures, behaviors and attitudes that can put the person who personifies them or those who approach them at risk. It may reach a time when they assume such importance in a given subject that they start to interfere in the proper functioning of their personal, social or work life. Right now, we may be facing a disorder that needs psychological intervention.

When aggressiveness assumes an excessive and excessive proportion, compared to the stimulus that triggered it, we may be facing a mood disorder called Intermittent Explosive Disorder. This is characterized by the externalization of anger in the form of unrestrained aggressive behavior. In these moments, the person seems absolutely sure of his own truth and does not consider any other, feeling powerless to do anything but remain in that state. This one feels very comfortable, because it allows the angry person to protest almost inconsequentially.

Anger can then take over against others, in the form of physical or verbal aggression, reflected through intransigence, irritability, intolerance and irony. It also tends to express itself in itself, which closes itself off to its own version of the event, mulling over its arguments over and over again, opting for the self-pity that excuses everything and ending up allowing depression to set in.

In fact, unresolved anger and hostility have devastating effects on a person’s well-being, affecting their self-esteem and relationships with others. Other negative consequences associated with this exacerbated anger may also be present, such as headaches, increased blood pressure, insomnia and stomach problems.

The person with these types of problems is unable to deal effectively with the adversities of everyday life, as he remains stagnant in his own anger, and just feeds it without being able to give an appropriate response. The emotion doesn’t retreat; on the contrary, it is likely to grow into an emotional explosion of incalculable proportions, with immeasurable personal and professional losses.

When not expressed overtly, anger is repressed and builds up within the person until the smallest situation is triggered. Often, this resort to food or substance consumption to alleviate this feeling previously denied. Although “chewed” or inebriated, this anger does not disappear and can lead to destructive behavior directed at oneself and those around him.


It is important to recognize that the problem itself is not anger, but rather what you do (how you deal) with this emotion.

If you identify yourself or know someone who may adopt disproportionate behaviors or reactions that affect your personal, social and professional life, please do not hesitate to contact a specialist or our treatment center.


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