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Anxiety: 6 symptoms and physical consequences

Anxiety: 6 symptoms and physical consequences

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For any human being to feel anxiety it must be seen as something normal. Like fear, the feeling of anxiety is what gives any person the impulse to escape danger situations or, on the other hand, to prepare for the future in a more careful and thoughtful way.

However, when the feeling of anxiety reaches extremes, and becomes something pathological, we can be facing a serious psychological disorder. Anxiety can generate episodes or situations that seriously affect the quality of life of those who suffer from it.

© Vince Fleming/Unsplash

So, without failing to briefly explain what anxiety is, in this article we explore how this disorder reveals itself. There are symptoms that must be kept under surveillance, and especially when they begin to have consequences that begin to manifest physically, in addition to psychological symptoms.

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What is Anxiety Disorder?

While anxiety is a normal human response to a range of situations, anxiety disorder arises when this response reaches extreme levels. Anxiety is no longer a natural reaction to become a constant concern, being difficult to control, occurring for months and interfering in various areas of the individual’s life.

© Uday Mittal/Unsplash

This type of disorder should always be properly diagnosed with specialized professionals. It is important to be alert to several signs and when a constant and uncontrollable concern arises on most days of a given person for a minimum period of 6 months, it is important to turn to a specialized professional to make the correct diagnosis and initiate an intervention. proper.

Anxiety symptoms and physical consequences

A person with an anxiety disorder expresses an exaggerated concern about situations that apparently have no reason for such behavior. However, this type of disorder can also be revealed through behaviors such as frequent apprehension about health or safety, or the feeling that something bad is always about to happen.

Trying to give some guidelines, we list 6 symptoms that may indicate an eventual anxiety disorder. All of them, unfortunately, can be the starting point for other problems, namely physical consequences, and so they should never be overlooked. Here are the ones to watch out for:

  • Over-response to an everyday situation;
  • Frequent nervousness;
  • Difficulty dealing with uncertainty;
  • Inability to control constant worrying thoughts;
  • Propensity to negative thoughts about situations;
  • Difficulty making decisions;
  • Among others.
Anxiety Episode
© Joice Kelly/Unsplash

Consequently, it is important to understand what these symptoms can come from in physical terms. The body, even if it doesn’t know it, will be reacting negatively to this exaggerated concern and it can manifest itself through:

  • Constant weakness and tiredness;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Hyperventilation;
  • Tremors, tension or muscle pain;
  • Constant headaches;
  • Gastrointestinal problems;
  • Among others.

At what point does it become an anxiety disorder?

There is no right answer to this question. Here it is important that you understand that having one or more of the above symptoms is not necessarily synonymous with anxiety disorder. They can be indicative yes, but the diagnosis should always be made by a licensed Psychologist or Psychiatrist.

© Alexei Maridashvili/Unsplash

Anxiety Disorder is not linear and does not manifest itself in all people in the same way. Therefore, the process of detection, diagnosis and treatment varies from person to person. It’s important to realize that one person’s exaggerated worry may not necessarily be on the same level as another’s and that’s why anxiety levels (and severity) are different.

Are the physical consequences of anxiety treatable?

Yes, they are treatable. By this we mean that, with the right treatment for the control of anxiety disorder, the physical consequences of the symptoms can begin to disappear or attenuate. Since they derive from the effusive state in which the mind is, it is normal that a person, by learning to control his impulses, is also able to change the behavior of his own body.

Let’s see, someone who stops having so many negative thoughts will certainly have less difficulty sleeping and, consequently, fewer complaints of tiredness or fatigue. In the same vein, the rest of the mind allows a greater rest of the body and therefore situations of tension or muscle pain or gastrointestinal problems are avoided for example. But if there is a relapse, it is normal for physical problems to arise again. Hence we mention that these are treatable but not curable, as they can always happen again.

One of the most common psychological approaches to treating extreme anxiety is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which helps individuals learn to identify and manage the factors that contribute to their anxiety © Pexels

Anxiety disorder is not the same from person to person. It is a unique clinical condition and therefore its treatment must be individualized and adapted to the reality of each one. At VillaRamadas we have a professional team specialized in objective and individual treatment.


If you feel anxiety starting to take over, or if you know someone who is getting into an extreme situation, don’t hesitate to talk to us. With our tools and our treatment method we believe we can help you redirect your concerns in order to achieve greater mental balance.


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