There is a myth that it takes willpower and motivation to control an illness such as depression. But a depression treatment center makes all the difference.
People, in their good intentions, repeat to the person that he/she has to react, to be encouraged, to do and to happen. However, they do not know the dimension of the depressive’s impotence to fulfill what they ask of him.
Depression is a very common mental disorder. However, sometimes it can go unnoticed and go undiagnosed, for two main reasons:
Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or loss of interest and pleasure in usual recreational activities and significantly reduces the person’s functional capacity, both professionally and socially. Thus, it induces intense suffering, which can ultimately lead to suicide.
Psychological and social factors are often a consequence, but sometimes a cause of depression. Stress can precipitate depression in people with a predisposition, which is likely genetic. The prevalence (number of cases in a population) of depression is estimated at 19%, which means that approximately one in five people worldwide have the problem at some point in their lives.
When a person decides to go to a depression treatment center, it is usually because they have already realized that this strength does not exist or that, however much one wants to, it does not seem to be enough.
In this sense, the suffering is too great and seems irreversible, and it is from this moment on that the depressive person or his family seek specialized help. This alternative often appears as a last resort, as nothing seems to make sense.
Hospitalization for depression gives the patient the opportunity to learn to externalize their feelings and emotions, especially anger, which is one of the origins of this disorder, but also guilt, shame, among others.
Reflecting on events from their past, as well as from the present, allows the patient to attribute a meaning to them, validating it or debating it with the help of professionals.
This makes it possible to minimize its impact and give way to other more balanced emotions and thoughts, and gain (self) acceptance.
Upon admission to the depression treatment center, the patient frees himself from the negative charge through group therapies, individual therapies and also through the completion of various written works that are proposed to him, starting to be guided to focus not in your problem, but in the solution to it.
On the other hand, and given that he is living in a therapeutic community – where there are this and other additions – he is “forced” to also give himself to his colleagues, which allows him to broaden his way of seeing reality, and of relativize their own adversities.
Have you ever wondered what a depression treatment center looks like? See below some pictures of our VillaRamadas centers:
In addition, this group dimension allows you to fight your loneliness and make you feel more connected with others – an essential component for the social beings that are humans. The fact that this mode of intervention turns outside of you, helps you to rediscover freedom and an inner satisfaction that nourishes the hope that it is possible to build a happy life.
When living one day at a time, the depressive realizes that he does not have to resolve all the pending issues now, in a single day…, reducing the pressure he imposes on himself, and letting him enjoy life more spontaneously . Gradually, he begins to be able to speak in therapy groups and thus gain self-confidence and self-esteem, which allow him to feel good about himself and others.
Finally, it is important to note that your experience can also help others who, like him/her, get lost in the nightmare of depression.
The early diagnosis of depression and its adequate treatment are crucial for the recovery of this mental disorder.
Depression is not, nor does it have to be, someone’s fate, as it is possible to act on it.
Talk to us now and find out more about our methodologies and how we are sure we can help you.