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Unemployment and Depression

Unemployment and Depression

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Work is one of the ways to exercise citizenship, so the negative effects of unemployment can be diverse.

The relationship between unemployment and depression is proven. Many psychologists believe that occupation is associated with the worker’s health, since it also means socialization, security, social recognition and can reinforce the worker’s sense of control over his life. Thus, the absence of work added to the financial and social restrictions imposed in this situation can directly impact the emotions of the population.

1. Unemployment

Unemployment is a very high risk factor for developing depression. In addition to the financial and social restrictions it entails, unemployment causes negative feelings linked to rejection, guilt, inferiority and, consequently, leads to isolation, which only tends to make the situation worse.

From a psychological perspective on the effects of depression on the unemployed, it appears that the absence of work is the eighth major source of stress among forty-three factors. This consequence is due, in large part, to the feeling of incapacity and uselessness of the individual who perceives that whatever he or she does will not be able to achieve the goals / find work.

When observing the harmful behavior caused by unemployment, it is noted that some groups social groups may present more pictures of depression. Due to prejudice and social marginalization that certain social groups face throughout life, entry and permanence in the labor market is more challenging and may offer a greater risk of illness (women, elderly, LGBT, people with disabilities, HIV positive, among others ).

Generally speaking, unemployed people tend to experience high levels of depression, anxiety, stress and anguish, together with low self-esteem and low confidence. Thus, being unemployed leads to feelings of guilt, defeatism, despair and loss of hope.


“Após alguns anos sem conseguir encontrar trabalho, deixei-me cair num enorme estado de tristeza e desânimo, cujo resultado final foi uma profunda depressão. Fui-me completamente abaixo. O estado de ansiedade e angústia extrema em que vivia e que me “apertavam o peito” e uma profunda e constante tristeza acompanhada de imensas e longas crises de choro, muitas vezes originada pela raiva que sentia ao aperceber-me do meu estado de prostração e da minha impotência para o ultrapassar, resultavam em sentimentos de enorme insegurança que me incapacitavam de fazer fosse o que fosse. É claro que esta situação se refletiu de uma forma muito negativa na minha vida, não só a nível laboral, mas também social, familiar e até mesmo “amoroso”, que me levou a quase desejar terminar uma relação que já mantinha há alguns anos, só para libertar o meu companheiro de toda a minha tristeza. (…)”.

2. What to do to help overcome this thorny situation between unemployment and depression?

Although it is extremely difficult to view the unemployment situation as an opportunity to rethink one’s own projects, investing in another area or in temporary occupation alternatives can be constructive ways of dealing with it. Family or friends can help to encourage the person to pursue their potential and to recognize their efforts – remembering that this is a common situation and that the person should not blame themselves unreasonably. Still, the person often climbs to a point where they don’t have enough energy to do it alone, and expert help may be needed.

Understanding how to get out of depression is critical, and it can be done in a number of ways. Therapy and medication are usually combined with behavioral strategiesfor the person to learn todeal with the feelings of this disease.

  1. Build a support network – talk about feelings with family, friends and/or support groups;
  2. Reduce stress as much as possible – avoid frustration, negative thoughts and feelings of guilt and shame;
  3. Improve sleep hygiene – helps regulate mood;
  4. Improve eating habits – there are nutrients essential to brain functioning that can affect depression;
  5. Learning to deal with negative thoughts – changing thought patterns (eg therapy);
  6. Combat procrastination – set small daily goals;
  7. Increase serotonin naturally – through sport (eg running, walking, cycling).

Depression requires great care, so it is important to keep around only what and who is good for us. For example, cutting off toxic relationships while focusing only on what can bring you pleasure. This is not selfishness, but self-care. Because, getting out of depression requires taking care of mental health very carefully.


“Porém, ele não desistiu de mim e não me deixou desistir... com a sua ajuda e da minha família, procurei ajuda em médicos, psiquiatras, terapias alternativas e dei início a um tratamento com fármacos (antidepressivos), que embora me dessem algumas sensações passageiras de melhorias, em pouco ou nada alteraram toda a angústia que sentia no meu interior. Um dia, ao ver o programa “Você na TV”, ouvi falar de VillaRamadas e dos tipos de intervenções terapêuticas que aí faziam. Ouvi um testemunho de alguém que descreveu perfeitamente tudo aquilo que eu estava a sentir e a forma como tinha conseguido ultrapassar o seu estado depressivo, em muito semelhante ao meu. Se eu me sentia completamente “apagada” como pessoa, aquela pessoa que estava ali a falar e que, inicialmente, era “como eu”, agora irradiava “luz” através do seu discurso e sorriso constante, que se refletia no brilho dos seus olhos. Ao ouvi-la a falar, senti um enorme desejo de viver os sentimentos de positividade que ela descrevia, embora pensasse que tal nunca iria acontecer. Terminei o meu período de internamento em VillaRamadas que, para mim, foi uma fantástica experiência de mudança, crescimento e de desenvolvimento pessoal. Já não necessito da “ajuda” dos antidepressivos para viver o meu dia a dia e sinto que, ao contrário da forma desesperada como entrei, também eu hoje irradio luz e, acredito que se fizer o que aqui me foi transmitido e utilizar as “ferramentas” que aqui me foram fornecidas, também eu posso ter uma vida feliz junto de todos aqueles que amo... um dia de cada vez.``
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Desemprego e depressao


Over the years, it has been evident that unemployed individuals tend to experience high levels of depression, anxiety, somatization, anguish and stress, also showing low self-esteem, low self-confidence, inactivity and social isolation.

It is important to note, that an event such as unemployment does not have the same meaning or influence on all individuals – there are clear individual differences in reactions to these events. Thus, in matters of recovery, it is important to understand which strategies are best suited to each case.

Talk to us now and trust us. We are sure we can help you.


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