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How to help a drug addict child

How to help a drug addict child

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Excessive substance consumption can lead to addiction, often at an early age. A person can become a drug addict due to several factors, such as lack of family support, negative influences from companies, as a refuge from psychological problems, among others.

Meeting someone who becomes a drug addict is always tricky to deal with, but the situation can be especially problematic when it comes to a child. The door to dialogue may not always be easy, but it is important that parents are present to help with the search for treatment and subsequent recovery.

As specialists in the treatment of drug addiction, VillaRamadas shares some ideas on how you can help if you have a drug addicted child. Keep in mind that these are just guidelines, and that they do not dispense with specialized and adequate follow-up.

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How to identify a drug addiction condition?

First of all, it is important that you recognize any signs of what is happening. Depending on the type of drugs used, behaviors tend to differ. However, there are some that are generally the same in cases of substance abuse.

Starting to smoke does not mean that your child is addicted to another type of drug. However, it can be the first step towards entering this world of illegal substances. Be aware of any signs that may arise. © Gras Grün/Unsplash

If you recognize as standard behavior some of the situations described below, it may be time to seek specialized help for your child and he should start a process of treatment and recovery. Be aware of these possible new habits:

  • Routine change of schedule (without justification – for example, shift work);
  • Lack of constant hygiene;
  • Change of attitude, with a tendency to recurrent lying;
  • New circle of friends;
  • Disappearance of money;
  • Eyes that are often red, watery, or have dilated pupils;
  • Change in appetite (in either extreme, you should be aware);
  • Possession of utensils used in drug consumption;
  • Loss of income – whether in school or professional settings;
  • Reactive, impulsive and defiant attitude.
© Yogendra Singh/Unsplash

How to help a drug addict child?

Above all,communication. Open communication, along with patience and the realization that recovery may not be quick, will be the first steps to being there for your child. A drug addict recovery process has no set deadline and can vary a lot from case to case, so here we can give you tips on what to do during the process. It is important that you support and work together with specialist professionals to define the best treatment and recovery plan.

To communicate

Encourage dialogue by asking about your day and the activities you did. Don’t start conversations directed towards the topic of drugs, or companies, because the opening may not yet exist. Lead the way with general questions, which in turn will lead to more conversation and eventually new questions. Then, you can start to create a more defined path to those questions and answers that you are looking for so much.

And sometimes, even at the beginning, appeal more to the conversation on his part. Listen more and say less, showing him that you are there simply to listen. Open communication does not happen overnight. It has to be step by step.

Understand risk behaviors

From the moment you suspect the beginning of excessive drug consumption, to the expected moment when your child enters a substance dependence treatment process, you must be aware of everything around him. Understand what behaviors he usually has, with which companies and in which places. This type of information is important to define what will happenafter treatment, to prevent him from finding himself in the same risk situations again, thus preventing potential relapses.

Drug addiction
Try to understand what environments your child is in, and what kind of company. In the future, they can trigger relapses if the routine is maintained. © Pexels

Joint activities

Develop family activities that promote socializing and well-being in terms of physical and mental health. By creating these types of situations, you will allow your child to experience pleasurable activities, distracting him from possible negative thoughts that encourage him to consume drugs.

Keep the rules at home

If you still live together, don’t be afraid to maintain somediscipline indoors. Rules at home can help your child stay connected to a safe and more controlled environment. However, be careful not to be too strict or create confrontations that could make your child want to run away. This exhaust could also be the reason for your consumption. There has to be a balance in the rules you enforce and when they are enforced.

Regras Casa
Give the impression that there is openness at home, but that there are rules in family dynamics. The idea is that communication flows in order to understand the problem, but with the notion that it is in fact a problem to be solved and not a situation to be ignored. © Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

Professional help

Show your child thatprofessional help is needed. The guidance of qualified professionals for the treatment of substance dependence is necessary and ideal for any case of addiction. Be present, but don’t neglect the knowledge of those who deal with identical situations every day.

If you believe your child may be entering a substance abuse case, do not hesitate to seek help. Talk to us. We can help you establish a dialogue and find the best methodology for the treatment and recovery of your child’s addiction. At VillaRamadas we have a specialized team able to help in this type of dependency.


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