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How to treat drug addiction

How to treat drug addiction

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Considered a drug addiction, as a continuous consumption of drugs, this consists of a chemical dependency capable of affecting not only the addict, but also their closest and family circle. Drug addiction is a serious problem that must be dealt with rationally and with the support of a specialized professional team.

VillaRamadas is an expert in the treatment of substance addictions and has methods for dealing with drug addiction (whatever the type of drug). Not being something possible to do alone, we explain here in a simple way some of the steps involved in treating drug addiction.

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Facing the reality of drug addiction

© Christopher Lemercier/Unsplash

For the team of VillaRamadas one of the first steps in drug addiction treatment is to admit that there is a problem. When the addict admits to having a dependency, and that he really has a disease, it is believed that the willingness to face the following steps can be a driving force for successful treatment.

Define the treatment plan

In conjunction with a specialized professional team, a specialized and unique treatment plan must be created for each patient. This includes psychological assessment, individual plan of objectives and goals, therapeutic plan, among others.

Implement a therapeutic approach

VillaRamadas uses its Change & Grow Model, developed in-house, for therapeutic intervention in the context of Substance Use Disorders. Furthermore, the addicted individual is encouraged to develop a process of self-discovery.

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The therapeutic process must involve the addicted individual and his closest circle. This type of approach allows for the establishment of trusting relationships that can help to resume the daily routine after treatment © Rémi Walle/Unsplash

Through various methods and techniques, the patient is encouraged to discover new perspectives and another meaning for his life. Behaviors of responsibility, balance, trust, dynamism and new social relationships are highlighted, in order to ensure a balance between mind and body.

Accept that the treatment is lasting

Admitting the problem, confronting the truth (and not living in denial), and accepting that you have a drug addiction is part of treating an addiction, but it must be accompanied by some understanding of the implications. Treatment aims to restore balance and therefore should not be taken lightly.

Drug addiction treatment is not the same for all individuals with an addiction. The duration of any therapeutic process in this area is unique and personalized for each person (at VillaRamadas we have an integrative model tailored to the needs and difficulties of each individual).

And remember, there are ways to help someone who is immersed in this world of addiction. You can help a person to get off drugs, but never forgetting the importance of working together with a specialized professional team. Be present and inform yourself about the matter.

If you know of someone who is going through a difficult time with drug addiction, encourage them to seek help. Talk to us. Together we can find the best path to recovery.


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